/ Mustang

PLACES NEARBY: | Beni | Kora La Border |




Car/Jeep        13 h 30 minutes (362 kms to Jomsom)

Bus                9 hours (288 kms to Beni)
     6 hours (96 kms to Jomsom from

Airplane        25 minutes (to Pokhara)
                      16 minutes (
Pokhara to Jomsom)

Mustang District, a part of the Dhaulagiri Zone, is located in the Kali Gandaki valley of the Himalayan region of Western Nepal. Mustang is largely dry and arid. The world’s deepest gorge that goes down three miles vertical between Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountains runs through this district. It also houses several of the most inspiring historical sites in the country, some of which date back to 4000 BC.

Mustang district is divided into three main parts. Baragaon is located north of Jomsom, Panchgoan is situated in between Jomsom and Marpha, and the Thak states lies south of Marpha. Thak Khola, Jomsom Bazaar, Thini, Kagabeni, Muktinath Temple and Lo-Manthang are the tourist destinations of Mustang.

Upper Mustang is a semi-restricted area for tourists. The government had partially opened Upper Mustang for tourists in 1971 and it consists of Chhoser, Chonhup, Lo-Manthang, Surkhang, Charang, Ghami and Chuksang VDCs.

The village of Lo Manthang is known for its tall whitewashed mud-brick walls, gompas and the Royal Palace which was built about 600 years ago. Lo Manthang is at 3,850 m and the Jampa Gompa also known as ‘God House’ was built in the early 15th century. The Thubchen Gompa was built in a late 15th century. Chodey Gompa is now the main gompa, and the Choprang Gompa is known as the new Gompa.

Zhong Cave is located at the tip of Lo-Manthang. It is a five-storey unique cave. The 108-room cave is called the 'Cave Village'. The vessel and human skeleton found in the cave can be viewed by visitors. Nifug Monastery is built around the Zhong and houses Buddhist paintings and idols. The Tibetan border is located about 12 km from Lo-Manthang. Hotel facilities are available in Jomsom, Lo-Manthang, Kagabeni, Thini, etc.

The best time to visit Mustang is from mid September to mid November.


How to reach

  By road: Kathmandu-Pokhara-Beni 288 km; Beni-Jomsom 74 km; Jomsom - Muktinath 22 km and Jomsom Lo-Manthang 90 km.


चिसो मरुभूमि मानिन्छ मुस्ताङ । विचित्रको भूगोल, भोटे संस्कृति, हिमाली जीवन र बौद्ध दर्शन यहाँका विशेषता हुन् । हिउँले खाएका नांगा पहाड कलात्मक लाग्छन् । त्यसको फेदीबाट बग्ने कालीगण्डकीको सौन्दर्य बेग्लै देखिन्छ । थकाली समुदायको थाकखोला, जोमसोम बजार, ठिनी, कागबेनी, मुक्तिनाथ मन्दिर र लोमन्थाङ क्षेत्र मुस्ताङका पर्यटकीय गन्तव्य हुन् ।

उपल्लो मुस्ताङ पर्यटकका लागि अर्ध निषेधित क्षेत्र हो । सरकारले सन् १९९१ मा पर्यटकका लागि उपल्लो मुस्ताङ आंशिक रूपमा खुला गरेको थियो । उपल्लो मुस्ताङमा साबिकका छोसेर, छोन्हुप, लोमन्थाङ, सुर्खाङ, चराङ, घमी र छुक्साङ गाविस पर्छन् ।

त्यहाँको लोमन्थाङ दरबार विश्व सम्पदा सूचीमा प्रस्तावित छ । लोमन्थाङ (३,८५० मि.) एउटा उपत्यका हो । पर्खालले घेरिएको बस्ती । पर्खालबाहिर खेती । आठ मिटर अग्लो पर्खालभित्र दुई सय घर र गुम्बा छन् । बस्तीमा छ्योदे र नाम्गेल गुम्बा छन् । गुम्बा स्कुलमा बौद्ध शिक्षा पढाइन्छ । त्यहाँ संग्रहालय पनि छ । जहाँ पुराना भाँडावर्तन, पुस्तक, बाजा र हतियार छन् ।

लोमन्थाङको छोसेरमा झोङ गुफा छ । पाँचतले अनौठो गुफा । एक सय आठ कोठा भएको गुफालाई केभ भिलेजभनिन्छ । गुफामा फेला परेका भाँडावर्तन तथा मानव कंकाल त्यहाँ सजाइएको छ ।

झोङको वारिपट्टि निफुग गुम्बा छ । त्यहाँ बौद्ध चित्र र मूर्ति छन् । लोमन्थाङबाट तिब्बती नाका कोरला १२ कि.मि. दूरीमा छ । जोमसोम, लोमन्थाङ, कागबेनी, ठिनी सबैतिर होटल सुविधा छ ।

मुस्ताङ घुम्ने उत्तम सिजन असोजकात्तिक हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः 

काठमाडौंपोखराबेनी २८८ कि.मि. । बेनीजोमसोम ७४ कि.मि. । जोमसोममुक्तिनाथ २२ कि.मि. । जोमसोमलोमन्थाङ ९० कि.मि. । अथवा काठमाडौंपोखरा २५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । पोखराबाट १६ मिनेट हवाई यात्रामा जोमसोम पुगिन्छ । 

                By air: Kathmandu-Pokhara 25 minutes flight. Pokhara- Jomsom 16 minutes flight.
