/ Kritipur

PLACES NEARBY: | Champadevi | Machchhegaon | Chovar |




Car/Jeep        30 minutes (7 kms)

Bus                1 hours (7 kms)

Kirtipur is an ancient Newar civilisation. The entire city is a museum of Newar lifestyle, art and culture. From Kirtipur (1,405 m) to the north, a complete view of the Himalayan ranges, Swayambhunath and Kathmandu can be viewed while Lalitpur  lies in the east.

Kirtipur town is built on a single large stone. Old-fashioned homes, temples, shrines and artistic houses are found in abundance. The main tourist heritage sites of Kirtipur are Bagh Bhairab Temple, Uma Maheshwor Temple, Chilancho Stupa, Chobhar, Adinath, Araniko Museum and Taudaha. Besides, there are numerous other temples and monasteries. The three-storey Bagh Bhairab Temple is built in pagoda style. The town is also known as the place of Jatraijatra. The main Jatras (festive processions) are Baghbhairab Jatra, Krishna Ashtami Jatra, Guijatra, and Indrayani Jatra.

The Kirtipur area includes places like Matatirtha, Chobhar, Taudaha, Machchhegaon and Champadevi. While Champadevi is a hill station, Machhegaon comprises of the Machhe Narayan Temple. Similarly, Taudaha is spread on 80 ropanis of land and is the place where birds from Siberia hiberbnate in winter.

Chobhar gorge is a popular destination, and very much a part of folklore. There is geographical evidence that supports the notion that Kathmandu valley was once a huge lake. Manjushri, who came from China, cut the gorge open to drain the lake. The Jal Binayak Temple and Cave and the Manjushri Park which has a 33 ft tall statue of Manjushri are popular among locals and visitors alike. After Manjushri cut the Chobhar hill and drained the water, the snake of the lake did not have a place to live. Therefore, he created Taudaha for the snakes to dwell. Kirtipur can be visited all year round.


How to reach

By road: Kathmandu - Kirtipur seven km. Bus can be boarded from the Old Bus Park in Kathmandu


कीर्तिपुर प्राचीन नेवार बस्ती हो । नेवार जीवनशैली, कला र संस्कृतिको खुला संग्रहालय । कीर्तिपुर (१,४०५ मि.) बाट उत्तरतिर हिमालका लस्कर, तलतल स्वयम्भूनाथ र काठमाडौंको काठमाडौंको सुन्दर दृश्य देखिन्छ । दक्षिणमा पहरेदार महाभारत शृङ्खला र पूर्वमा ललितपुरको दृश्य देखिन्छ ।

एउटै ठूलो ढुंगामाथि बसेको छ कीर्तिपुर शहर । पुराना शैलीमा बनेका घरहरू । पाइलैपिच्छे मन्दिर, चैत्य, ढुंगेधारा अनि कलात्मक घर । कीर्तिपुर क्षेत्रका प्रमुख पर्यटकीय सम्पदामा बाघभैरव, उमामहेश्वर, चिलञ्चो विहार, चोभार, आदिनाथ, अरनिको संग्रहालय र टौदह आदि हुन् । त्यति मात्रै होइन, अरू थुप्रै मन्दिर, विहार र चैत्य छन् । कीर्तिपुरलाई बाघको शहरपनि भनिन्छ । प्यागोडा शैलीमा बनेको छ तीनतले बाघभैरव मन्दिर ।

जात्रैजात्राको शहर पनि हो कीर्तिपुर । बाघभैरव जात्रा, कृष्ण अष्टमी जात्रा, गाईजात्रा, इन्द्रायणी जात्रा मुख्य जात्रा हुन् ।

कीर्तिपुर सेरोफेरोमा मातातीर्थ, चोभार, टौदह, मच्छेगाउँ, चम्पादेवी लगायत सम्पदा छन् । चम्पादेवी हिल स्टेशन हो । मच्छेगाउँमा मत्स्यनारायणको मन्दिर छ । त्यसैगरी टौदह ८० रोपनीमा फैलेको छ जहाँ जाडो याममा साइबेरियादेखिका चरा आउँछन् ।

चोभारमा गल्छी छ । उहिल्यै काठमाडौं खाल्डोे ठूलो पोखरी थियो । त्यति बेला चीनबाट आएका महामञ्जुश्रीले आफ्नो खड््गले गल्छी काटेर पानी बाहिर पठाएपछि काठमाडौंमा बस्ती बसेको भनाइ छ । चोभार क्षेत्रमा जल विनायक मन्दिर, गुफा, मञ्जुश्री पार्क छन् । पार्कमा मञ्जुश्रीको ३३ फिट अग्लो मूर्ति छ ।

महामञ्जुश्रीले चोभार डाँडो काटेर पानी बाहिर पठाएपछि पोखरीका नागलाई बस्ने ठाउँ भएन । त्यसैले उनले नाग बस्न भनेर टौदह बनाइदिएको जनविश्वास छ ।

वर्षैभरि घुम्न सकिन्छ कीर्तिपुरमा । 

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंबाट कीर्तिपुरको दूरी ७ कि.मि. छ । काठमाडौंको पुरानो बसपार्कबाट छुट्ने गाडी बल्खु हुँदै कीर्तिपुर पुग्छन् । 
