/ Bandipur

PLACES NEARBY: | Damauli | Chhimkeswari | Ramkot |




Car/Jeep        4 h 30 minutes (146 kms)

Airplane        25 minutes (to Pokhara)

                       2 hours (76 kms from Pokhara by Car/Jeep)

The Newari town of Bandipur is an ideal place to experience traditional village architecture, epic Himalayan views, lovely countryside walks, local adventure sports, and excellent accommodation.

A 7-minute walk up to the hilltop viewpoint at the Thani Mai temple leads to a mesmerising panorama of both Himalayan peaks and the Marsyangdi Valley below. Martyrs Memorial Park and Tundikhel are other attractions of Bandipur.

Formerly a Magar village, Bandipur today is settled by a variety of Nepali ethnicities with different beliefs: Bahuns, Chhetris, Newars, Damais, Kamis, Sarkis, Kasais, the Magars and Gurungs.

Perched on a saddle high above the Kathmandu-Pokhara highway, Bandipur consists of a single flag-stoned street lined on both sides with traditional wooden Newari architecture. The 18th century architecture, ancient temples and scenic beauty attracts many tourists.

An one and a half hour trek leads downhill to the Siddha Gufa, the largest cave in Nepal. The cave has a length of about 425 meters and width of 25 meters. In the lower part, there is a 57 meters deep tunnel. One can explore the cave with the help of torchlight and descend into successive chambers via a series of ladders and ropes.

There are temples and monasteries in Bandipur including Bindhavasini, Thanimai, Khadgadevi, Mahalaxmi and Mahadev. Rural life can be experienced in Ramkot, Hilekharka, Korikha, Chhimkeswari, Bahun Bhanjyang, Jharagaon, Takamare hill and Baghthala villages of Bandipur area.

From Pandi to Bimlanagar, rafting takes place in the Marsyandi River. You can also enjoy paragliding from Bandipur.

While Bandipur can be visited all year round, the best time to visit is from mid September to mid December.


How to reach

      By road: Muglin – Dumre-Bandipur is 146 km from Kathmandu.

      By air: Kathmandu-Pokhara is 25 minutes flight. Pokhara-Bandipur is 76 km road trip. Bandipur Bazar is at a distance of eight km from Dumre of Prithviraj Highway connecting Kathmandu-Pokhara. There is no direct bus service from Kathmandu to Bandipur. Further, bus and jeep services are available from Dumre to Bandipur.



तनहुँ जिल्लाको पुरानो सदरमुकाम बन्दीपुर पहाडी थुम्को हो । वि.सं. २०२५ सालसम्म बन्दीपुरमा सदरमुकाम थियो । पछि सदरमुकाम दमौली सारियो । बन्दीपुर (१,०३० मिटर) बाट धौलागिरि, माछापुच्छे«, अन्नपूर्ण, लमजुङ, मनास्लु, हिमचुली, बौद्ध, दोर्जे लाक्पा, गणेश र लाङटाङ हिमशृङ्खला देखिन्छन् । यहाँको टुँडिखेलबाट बिहान हेर्दा बादलले ढाकिएको मस्र्याङ्दी भ्याली वाइट लेकजस्तै देखिन्छ ।

बन्दीपुरमा इँटा र कलात्मक झ्यालढोकाले बनेका भक्तपुरे नेवार शैलीका पुराना घर छन् । मुख्य बजारको दायाँबायाँ दोहोरीलत्त घर छन् । बीचमा ढुँगा छापिएको सडक छ जहाँ सवारी साधन निषेध छ ।

बन्दीपुरमा गुरुङ, मगर, नेवार, क्षत्री, बाहुन आदि जातिको बसोबास छ । बन्दीपुर मुन्तिर विशाल शिद्ध गुफा छ । बजारबाट डेढ घण्टा ओरालो झरेमा गुफामा पुगिन्छ । गुफाको लम्बाइ करिब ४२५ मिटर र चौडाइ २५ मिटरसम्म छ । होचो भागमा ५७ मिटर गहिरो सुरुङ छ । गुफाभित्र कतै साँघुरो छ त कतै फुटबल मैदानजस्तो ठाउँ ।

बन्दीपुरमा विन्ध्यवासिनी, थानीमाई, खड्गदेवी, महालक्ष्मी र महादेव लगायतका मन्दिर र गुम्बा छन् । डाँडामा शहीद स्मारक पनि छ । बन्दीपुर सेरोफेराका रामकोट, हिलेखर्क, कोरिखा, छिम्केश्वरी, बाहुन भन्ज्याङ, झारागाउँ, ताकमारे डाँडा र बाघथला गाउँमा ग्रामीण परिवेश पाइन्छ ।

पाउँदिदेखि विमलनगरसम्म मस्र्याङ्दी नदीमा राफ्टिङ गरिन्छ । पृथ्वी राजमार्गसँग जोडिएको विमलनगरको प्राकृतिक चट्टानमा चट्टान आरोहण गराइन्छ । बन्दीपुरबाट प्याराग्लाइडिङ उडान पनि गरिन्छ । बन्दीपुर वर्षैभरि घुम्न सकिन्छ । असोजदेखि माघसम्म बन्दीपुर घुम्ने उत्तम समय हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंबाट मुग्लिनडुम्रेबन्दीपुर (१४६ कि.मि.) छ । काठमाडौंबाट पोखरा हवाई उडानबाट २५ मिनेटमा पुगिन्छ । पोखराबाट बन्दीपुर ७६ कि.मि. छ । काठमाडौंपोखरा जोड्ने पृथ्वी राजमार्गको डुम्रेबाट ८ कि.मि. उकालोमा बन्दीपुर बजार अवस्थित छ । काठमाडौंबाट बन्दीपुरसम्म सोझै बस सेवा छैन । डुम्रेमा बन्दीपुर जाने बस र जीप पाइन्छ ।
