/ Api Base Camp

PLACES NEARBY: | Odar Camp | Domul | Siti village |




Car/Jeep   14 h 30 minutes (680 kms to Dhangadhi) | 10 h 30 minutes (330 kms to Darchula or Latinath)
Bus               16 hours (680 kms to Dhangadhi) | 12 hours (330 kms to Darchula)
Airplane     1 h 10 minutes (to Dhangadhi)
Walk           7 days (Bitale or Darchula to Api Base Camp)

Mt. Api (7,132m), located in the extreme northwest corner of Nepal, is the highest mountain in the far-western region of Nepal. Apart from the scenic beauty, off-beaten trails and mysterious culture, the region offers a panoramic view of the mountains like Api, Nampa, Ringdepani, Kayakor, Kalidhunga, Babai etc. in a series.
A trek through this landscape leads to the sacred Chameliya River and its source that lies underneath Mt. Api (7,132m) before reaching the Mt. Api Base Camp. You will walk all the way up to the base camp of Mt. Api through Siti. This beautiful village is equipped with basic food and stay options which help tremendously for the three day camping.
Api Base Camp trek is quite remote and untouched. So far, only few tourists have visited the region. The real wilderness can be experienced along this trail. It is always suggested that an experienced guide from Siti village accompanies you. Between June and August, the Yarcharghumba is gathered.
Api Nampa is Nepal’s youngest conservation area. It was established in 2010 and covers 1,903 sq km encompassing 21 Village Development Committees in the Darchula District. Due to the few numbers of tourists that have reached this area of Nepal, you can experience untouched nature and authentic Nepali traditions. The conservation area is named after Mount Nampa (6,757 m) and Mount Api (7,132 m), the far west’s highest mountains.
In the conservation area, species including the snow leopard, Himalayan black bear, red panda, common langur, Himalayan tahr, Himalayan musk deer, goral and serow are found. Birds like Himalayan monal, snowcock and blood pheasant can also be observed. The conservation region is also inhabited by Byasi Shauka. 
The best time to trek Api is from mid August to mid November.

How to reach
By road: Kathmandu to Dhangadhi is 680 km, 16 hours by bus. 
By air: Kathmandu to Dhangadhi is an hour 10 minutes flight.
Further, it takes 10 hours drive from Dhangadhi to Bitale and seven days trek to Api Base Camp.

अपि बेस क्याम्प
सुदूरपश्चिमको दार्चुलामा पर्दछ अपि हिमाल (७,१३२ मिटर) । अपि बेस क्याम्पमा अपि र नम्पा हिमालसँगै रिङदेपानी, कायाकोर, कालीढुङ्गा र बबई लगायतका हिउँचुली लहरै उभिएका छन् । चमेलिया नदीको मुहान अपि हिमाल र नम्पा चुलीको फेदी हो । 
चमेलिया जलविद्युत् परियोजनाको बाँध बिटलेमा छ । त्यहाँबाट अपि हिमालको फेद पुग्न चमेलिया नदीको किनारैकिनार उकालो चढ्नुपर्छ । यहाँ एउटा उखान छ — नङमाथि मासु छैन, सितीमाथि गाउँ छैन । सिती गाउँसम्म सामान्य खाना र बास पाइन्छ । माथि तीन दिनको बाटामा क्याम्पिङ गर्नुपर्छ ।
असार–साउनमा बेस क्याम्पतिर यार्चागुम्बा जडीबुटी टिप्नेको मेला लाग्छ । यस पदमार्गमा पर्यटक कम भेटिन्छन् । ठाउँठाउँमा जङ्गलको बाटो हिंड्नुपर्छ । पदयात्रा गर्दा सिती गाउँबाट गाइड लाँदा राम्रो हुन्छ ।
जनबोलीमा चमेलियालाई चौलानी नदी भनिन्छ । यस खोलामा असला माछा छन् । तल्लो भेकमा माछा खान दुःख हुँदैन । अर्को कुरा, सितीबाट अघि बढ्दा दोमुल आउँछ । चमेलिया र रोखाबु नदीको दोभानमा देवी पूजा गरेर मात्रै माथि अघि बढ्नुपर्छ । यात्रा शुभ होस् भनेर रूखको फेदमा धूपबत्ती बालिन्छ । 
अपि पदमार्गको सबैभन्दा गाह्रो उकालो मकरीगाड हो । मकरीगाडदेखि पाटु पुग्ने उकालोले थकाउनुसम्म थकाउँछ । 
सरकारले दार्चुलाका १,९०३ वर्ग कि.मि समेटेर २०६७ असार २८ मा अपिनम्पा संरक्षण क्षेत्र घोषणा गरेको थियो । संरक्षण क्षेत्रमा हिउँचितुवा, रेडपाण्डा, मृग, घोरल, झारल, भालु, नाउर आदि पाइन्छन् । डाँफे र मुनाल लगायतका चरा पनि पाइन्छन् । संरक्षण क्षेत्रमा बोन धर्म मान्ने शौका जातिको बसोबास रहेको छ । 
भदौदेखि कात्तिकसम्म अपी पदयात्राको उत्तम समय हो । 

कसरी पुग्नेः
काठमाडौंबाट धनगढी (६८० कि.मि.) पुग्न बसमा १६ घण्टा लाग्छ भने हवाई यात्राबाट १ घण्टा १० मिनेटमा पुग्न सकिन्छ । धनगढीबाट डोटी, डडेलधुरा, बैतडी हुँदै दार्चुलाको बिटलेसम्म बसमा । बिटलेबाट सात दिनको पदयात्रामा अपि बेस क्याम्प पुगिन्छ । 
