/ Ghodaghodi

PLACES NEARBY: | Maghi | Lamki | Attaria |




Car/Jeep        12 hours (623 kms via Nepalgunj)

Bus                11 hours (500 kms to Nepalgunj)
     3 hours (123 kms to

Airplane        1 hour 10 minutes (Dhangadhi)
                       2 hours (55 kms to
Ghodaghodi by jeep/car)
                       1 hour (
                       3 hours (123 kms to
Ghodaghodi by jeep/car)

One of the most eco-diverse lakes in Nepal, the Ghodaghodi lake is located on the slopes of the Siwalik Hills in Kailali region. The lake’s name is derived from the Nepali word for “horse”. According to legend, God Shiva and Goddess Parvati used to turn into horses and circle around the lake. Hence, the name ‘Ghodaghodi’ took shape.It is spread over 76.9 hectares.

Ghodaghodi lake is an important place of worship for the local Tharu people. A small temple is located on the banks of the lake named Ghorighora temple. Many Tharus gather during the AgahanPanchami and Maghi festivals and offer horses, elephants and tigers made out of clay. This might be one of the strangest offerings to God in the entire world.

Besides the lake also holds ecological significance. The lake is a rich wetland area. It is in this idyllic setting that some of Nepal’s vulnerable and critically endangered species are found. These include the majestic Bengal Tiger, Marsh Crocodile, Red-crowned Roofed Turtle, Three-striped Roofed Turtle, Eurasian Otter, Smooth-coated Otter, Swamp Deer and Lesser Adjutant Stork. The Ghodaghodi lake area has been protected under the Ramsar Convention since 2003.

The lakeside doesn’t have any hotel or lodge for a night stay. There is a homestay facility in Maghi, a Tharu village four km away from the lake. Maghi is renowned for Boylgada, Chapakal and village style houses.From the village of Maghi at around 1.5 km away lies Nakrod Lake and a well where Sita took a bath.  The tenacious dam of the Chure hill base is also attractive. In the village's cultural program, Sakhiya, Alathi, Jhumra dances are performed.


How to reach

      By road: Kathmandu - Nepalgunj 700 km. Nepalgunj – Godhagodhi lake 123 km.

                By air: Kathmandu - Dhangadhi an hour ten minutes. Dhangadhi – Godhagodhi is 77 km. Maghi homestay is four km from Godhagodhi.


झट्ट हेर्दा घोडाको टापजस्तो भएकाले कैलाली जिल्लाको एउटा तालले घोडाघोडी नाउँ पाएको छ । जैविक विविधताको भण्डार मानिने घोडाघोडी सन् २००३ मा रामसारमा सूचीकृत भएको छ । घोडाघोडी ७६.९ हेक्टरमा फैलिएको छ । ताल क्षेत्रमा चरा, गोही, अजिङ्गर, माछा, पुतली, कछुवा आदिको बसोबास छ । किनारमा घोरीघोरा मन्दिर छ ।

तालमा डुङ्गा चढ्ने सुविधा छ । किनारमा भ्यु टावर छ । घोरीघोरा मन्दिर छ । घोरीघोरा मन्दिर थारु समुदायको आस्थाको धरोहर मानिन्छ । घोरीघोराको दर्शनले मनोकामना पूरा हुने जनविश्वास छ । राजमार्गसँगै जोडिएको तालमा थरीथरीका रैथाने हाँस भेटिन्छन् । तालमा डुङ्गा चढ्ने सुविधा छैन । बर्खामा ढकमक्क कमलले तालको बेग्लै सौन्दर्य देखिन्छ ।

घोडाघोडी ताल किनारमा होटल तथा लज सुविधा छैन । तालबाट चार कि.मि. दूरीको थारु गाउँ माघीमा होमस्टे सुविधा छ । घोडाघोडी नगरपालिका१० मा पर्ने माघीमा सन् २०१४ जुलाईदेखि १४ घरमा होमस्टे गराउन थालिएको हो । थारु जीवनशैली भेटिन्छ माघी गाउँमा । बयलगाडा, चापाकल, गाउँले शैलीका घर त्यहाँका आकर्षण हुन् ।

माघी गाउँबाट डेढ कि.मि.मा नकरोड ताल र सीताले स्नान गरेको कुवा छ । चुरे पहाड फेदको टेङना बाँध पनि आकर्षक छ । त्यहाँको सामुदायिक वनमा चरा र जनावर अवलोकन गर्न सकिन्छ । होमस्टेमा थारु परिकार पाक्छ । गाउँको सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रममा सखिया, लठ्ठी नृत्य झुमरा देखाइन्छ ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंबाट नेपालगञ्ज ५०० कि.मि. छ । नेपालगञ्जघोडाघोडी ताल १२३ कि.मि. । काठमाडौंधनगढी १ घण्टा १० मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । धनगढीघोडाघोडी ५५ कि.मि. । घोडाघोडीबाट चार कि.मि.को दूरीमा माघी होमस्टे छ । 
