/ Swargadwari

PLACES NEARBY: | Bhingri | Holeri |




Car/Jeep        11 hours (449 kms to Dharampani)

Bus                10 hours (420 kms to Bhairahawa)

                       4 hours (185 kms to Bhingri)
     30 minutes (13 kms to Dharampani)

Airplane        25 minutes (Bhairahawa)

Walk              30 minutes (Dharampani to Swargadwari)

Swargadwari of Pyuthan district is a religious pilgrimage site. It is a temple situated on a hill top. From here, snow capped mountains including Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, Machapuchare, Annapurna, Lamjung, Himchuli, Manaslu, Churen can be seen. Swargadwari is more popular for religious reasons than for natural beauty. It is said that Brahma had meditated here. It is also believed that the five Pandavas went to heaven from here. Considering this place as a door to heaven, it is called Swargadwari.

It consists of a Yagyasala. The outer appearance reflects nine temples at a glance but inside there lies only one temple. There are idols of Panchayan devdevi, Ganesh, Surya, Vishnu and Shiva. There is also a fireplace placed in a four direction room. Vatuk performs puja, Vedas, Bhagwat lessons, Havan and Rudravisek.

There are hundreds of cows in Swargadwari, and a Gurukul School is also located here. Vedas, Rudri, Chandi and Grammar are taught in the school. This place is said to have been formed and established as a pilgrimage site by Guru Maharaj Narayan Gautam (Swami Hamsananda) in 1952 BS. He is also known as Swagadwari Mahaprabhu locally. His statue is placed along the Yagyasala.

Swami Hamsananda was the one to start the ‘mahayagya’ for world welfare which continues till date. Born in 1916 BS in Rumti village of Rolpa, Narayan Gautam became involved in austerities from the age of five. Within some time, he became a spiritual thinker. He passed away in 1997 BS.

On the hilltop, there are no hotels or lodges. There are general lodge and shops in Dharampani towards the temple. Nepali food is found in the ashram canteen.

This religious place receives maximum footfall during Baisakh Purnima, Guru Purnima, Gai Tihar and during the peak season (December to mid February).

The best time to visit Swargadwari is from mid September- mid December and from mid March-mid June.


How to reach

      By road: Kathmandu - Bhingri 420 km.

      By air: Kathmandu - Bhairahawa 25 minutes flight. Bhairahawa-Bhingri is 185 km; Bhingri-Dharampani is 13 km. Further, 30 minutes walk from Dharampani to Swargadwari. Dharampani-Holeri is 29 km.


प्यूठानको स्वर्गद्वारी धार्मिक तीर्थस्थल हो । त्यो पहाडी थुम्कोबाट धौलागिरि, नीलगिरि, माछापुच्छे«, अन्नपूर्ण, लमजुङ, हिमचुली, मनास्लु, चुरेन, पुथा लगायतका हिमशृङ्खला देखिन्छन् । प्राकृतिक सौन्दर्यले भन्दा धार्मिक कारणले स्वर्गद्वारी बढी चर्चित छ ।

स्वर्गद्वारी (२,०४८ मि.) पवित्र भूमि मानिन्छ । त्यहाँ ब्रह्माले तपस्या गरेका थिए । पाँच पाण्डव यतैबाट स्वर्ग गएका थिए । स्वर्ग जाने ढोका भएकाले स्वर्गद्वारी भनिएको किंवदन्ती छ ।

स्वर्गद्वारीमा यज्ञशाला छ । झट्ट हेर्दा नौवटा मन्दिर जस्तो देखिन्छ, तर भित्र एउटै छ । त्यहाँ पाञ्चायन देवदेवी, गणेश, सूर्य, विष्णु, शिवका मूर्ति छन् । चार दिशाका कोठामा अग्निकुण्ड । बीचको मूल कुण्डबाट धूवाँ आइरहन्छ । बटुकले पूजा, वेदपाठ, भागवत पाठ, हवन, रुद्राभिषेक गर्छन् ।

स्वर्गद्वारीमा सयौं गाई छन् । गुरुकुल विद्यालय छ । त्यहाँ वेद, रुद्री, चण्डी र व्याकरण पढाइन्छ । यज्ञशालासँगै महाप्रभुको मूर्ति छ । बालतपस्वी हंसानन्द गिरीले वि.सं. १९५२ मा त्यहाँ आश्रम स्थापना गरे । तिनले विश्व कल्याणका लागि अखण्ड महायज्ञ सुरु गरे । रोल्पाको रुम्टी गाउँमा वि.सं. १९१६ मा जन्मेका नारायण गौतम पाँच वर्षको उमेरदेखि तपस्यामा लीन भए । कालान्तरमा आध्यात्मिक चिन्तक बने । उनै महाप्रभु वि.सं. १९९७ मा बिते ।

डाँडामा खानबस्न दुःख छ । डाँडामा होटललज छैन । मन्दिर मुन्तिर धरमपानीमा सामान्य लज र नैवेद्य पसल छन् । मन्दिर हातामा धर्मशाला छन् । पैसा तिरेर केही कोठामा बस्न पाइन्छ । आश्रमको क्यान्टिनमा नेपाली खाना पाइन्छ ।

वैशाख पूर्णिमा, गुरु पूर्णिमा, गाई तिहार र पुसमाघमा स्वर्गद्वारीमा भीड लाग्छ ।

असोजदेखि मंसिरसम्म र चैतदेखि जेठसम्म स्वर्गद्वारी घुम्ने उत्तम समय हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंभिंग्री ४२० कि.मि. अथवा काठमाडौंभैरहवा २५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । भैरहवाभिंग्री १८५ कि.मि. । भिंग्रीधरमपानी १३ कि.मि. । धरमपानीबाट आधा घण्टा हिंडेर स्वर्गद्वारी पुगिन्छ । धरमपानीहोलेरीको दूरी २९ कि.मि. छ । 
