/ Phoksundo Lake

PLACES NEARBY: | Shey-Gumba | Dho-Tarap | Pungmo Village |




  Car/Jeep    11 hours (500 kms to Nepalgunj)

                     1 hour (8 kms to Suligad by jeep)

Bus              16 hours (800 kms to Jajarkot)
   7 hours (118 kms to Dunai Bazar, Jufal by jeep)

Airplane      1 hour (Nepalgunj)
  35 minutes (Jufal)

Trek             2.5 days (Jufal to Phoksundo Lake)

The Y-shaped lake of Dolpa district is the second deepest lake in Nepal. The lake appears in different colours throughout the day. The water of the lake becomes blue, sometimes black and sometimes indigo. From dawn to dusk the lake miraculously changes its colour as per the sun rays falling on the lake.

The lake lies in Shey Phoksundo Rural Municipality-8, Lower Dolpa region. Kanjirowa Himal is located at the head of Phoksundo Lake (3611 m). With a length of 5.93 km, width of 1.80 sq km and a depth of 145 m, the Phoksundo Lake is surrounded by snow-cappedmountains in all directions. This lake is also listed on the Ramsar site.

On the bank of the lake lies Ringmo village, Bon Gompa and Chaitya. There are 65 houses of Bhote community in Ringmo village. The village receives heavy snow from mid December to mid February. A two-day trek from Ringmo village leads to Shey-Gumpa. Similarly, on a three-day trek, crossing the Bagla Bhanjyang and Numla Bhanjyang, Dho-Tarap valley can be reached. The village records human settlement at 4200 m, being the highest altitude in Nepal with civilisation.

One can observe the traditional Tibetan culture, Bon Buddhism in Dolpa district.

Phoksundo Lake is located inside the Shey Phoksundo National Park. The national park established in 2040 BS is the largest national park with an area of 3555 sq km. It covers the area of Dolpa and Mugu. The altitude of the park ranges from 2000 meters to 6885 meters. The park has several varieties of flora and fauna. It also protects several endangered animals like the musk deer and snow leopards.

The best time to visit Phoksundo Lake is from mid February to mid July and mid September to mid November.


How to reach

      By road: Kathmandu – Kohlpur-Jajarkot 800 km. From Jajarkot to Dolpa headquarters, Dunei Bazar 118 km. Bridges are yet to be built in many of the sections.

      By air: Kathmandu - Nepalgunj 55 minutes flight. Nepalgunj-Jufaal 35 minutes flight. Jufaal-Suligad is eight km by jeep. Phoksundo Lake is reached on a two-day trek from Suligad.

फोक्सुन्डो ताल

अंग्रेजी अक्षर वाईआकारमा छ डोल्पाको फोक्सुन्डो ताल । ताल दिनमै विभिन्न रङमा देखिन्छ । तालको पानी कहिले नीलो, कहिले कालो र कहिले सिन्दूरे बन्छ । बिहानदेखि बेलुकीसम्म फरकफरक रङमा सजिन्छ ताल ।

शेफोक्सुन्डो गाउँपालिका, डोल्पामा पर्दछ ताल । फोक्सुन्डो ताल (३,६११ मि.) को शिरमा काञ्जिरोवा हिमाल छ र यसको अधिकतम लम्बाइ ५.९३ कि.मि. र अधिकतम चौडाइ १.८० वर्गकि.मि. छ भने गहिराइ १४५ मि. । यो ताल रामसार साइटमा सूचीकृत छ ।

ताल किनारामा रिग्म गाउँ, बोन गुम्बा र चैत्य छन् । रिग्म गाउँमा भोटे समुदायका ६५ घर छन् । गाउँमा पुसमाघमा बाक्लो हिउँ पर्छ । रिग्म गाउँबाट दुई दिनको पदयात्रामा शेगुम्बा पुगिन्छ । त्यस्तै तीन दिन पदयात्रामा बगला भन्ज्याङ र नुमला भन्ज्याङ पार गरेर धोतराप भ्याली पुगिन्छ । नेपालकै सबैभन्दा उचाइ (४,२०० मि.) मा मानव बस्ती भएको गाउँ धोतराप ।

फोक्सुन्डो पदमार्गमा बोन युङढुङ धर्म मान्ने समुदायको बसोबास छ । बोन धर्मका प्रवर्तक तोन्पा शेन्राव मिवो हुन् ।

फोक्सुन्डो ताल शेफोक्सुन्डो राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्जमा पर्छ । नेपाल सरकारले हिमाली जैविक विविधता संरक्षण गर्न वि.सं. २०४० सालमा बनाएको निकुञ्जको क्षेत्रफल ३,५५५ वर्गकि.मि. छ । त्यसमा डोल्पा र मुगुको भूगोल समेटिएको छ । निकुञ्जको धरातलीय उचाइ २,००० मिटरदेखि ६,८८५ मिटरसम्म छ । निकुञ्जमा थरीथरीका वनस्पति, जडीबुटी, किटपतङ्ग र जङ्गली जनावर पाइन्छन् ।

फागुनदेखि असारसम्म र असोजदेखि कात्तिकसम्म फोक्सुन्डो घुम्ने उत्तम समय हो ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंकोहलपुरजाजरकोट ८०० कि.मि. । जाजरकोटदेखि डोल्पा सदरमुकाम दुनै बजार ११८ कि.मि. । यस खण्डमा ठाउँठाउँमा पुल बन्न बाँकी छ । काठमाडौंनेपालगञ्ज ५५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । नेपालगञ्जजुफाल ३५ मिनेट हवाई यात्रा । जुफालसुलिगाड आठ कि.मि. जीपमा । सुलिगाडबाट दुई दिन एक बिहान पदयात्रामा फोक्सुन्डो ताल पुगिन्छ ।

