/ Khaptad

PLACES NEARBY: | Tamail | Jhigrana | Shaileshwari |




Car/Jeep          24 hours (895 kms to Jhigrana)

Bus                 16 hours (680 kms to Dhangadhi)
       8 hours (200 kms to Silgadhi from Dhangadhi)
       1 hour (15 kms to Jhigrana from Silgadhi by Jeep)

Airplane          1 h 10 minutes (Dhangadhi)

Walk                 2 days (Jhigrana to Khaptad)

The Khaptad in far west Nepal is renowned for its spiritual essence. The Khaptad National Park is spread over 225 sq km. Surrounded by Doti, Bajura, Bajhang and Achham districts. Khaptad National Park was established on June 23, 1986. The altitude of the park ranges from 1262 to 3276 m. 567 species of flora have been recorded in the protected area including rhododendron, oak and pine forests. From the park you can see the Api and Saipal Himalayan ranges.

Khaptad is great for spotting wildlife and birds with 23 species of mammals and 287 types of birds. Mammal species found here are leopard, Himalayan black bear, wild dog and musk deer. Bird species include the beautiful Impeyan pheasant (Danphe also Nepal’s national bird), Peregrin falcon, the white rumped vulture and many types of partridges, flycatchers, bulbuls, cuckoos and eagles.

Besides its natural beauty Khaptad also has a rich spiritual history. Khaptad Baba, the renowned spiritual saint after which this region takes its name, is said to have meditated here for 50 years. Nearby places to be explored from the national park are Trivenidham, Khaptad Baba Ashram, Khapar Daha, etc. A fair is held during Ganga Dussehra in Trivenidham of Khaptad. It takes 12 days to reach Raratal via Khaptad. The Tourism Development Society (TDS) has explored the 'Far West Heritage Trail' connecting Khaptad and Badimalika with Ramaroshan. Huge fair is organised at Trivenidham. People visiting Trivenidham believed that a bath in Triveni river can wash away all the sins.

It can be visited throughout the year. However to enjoy the wild flowers, it is recommended to travel between mid May and mid September; in mid October for the mountains (Api and Saipal); enjoy the snow frommid December to mid February; and get lured by the beauty of the Rhododendrons in bloom frommid March to mid May.


How to reach

      By road: Kathmandu – Dhangadhi is 680 km and takes 16 hours by bus.

      By air: Kathmandu - Dhangadhi is one hour 10 minutes flight.

      By road: Dhangadhi - Silgadhi 200 km and takes 8 hours by bus. Silgadhi to Jhigrana 15 km, one hour by jeep.

      Walk: Two days to reach Khaptad National Park's headquarter.


अध्यात्म, योग र ध्यानका लागि सुदूरपश्चिम प्रदेशको खप्तड उपयुक्त मानिन्छ । खप्तड राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज २२५ वर्गकि.मि.मा फैलिएको छ । बाजुरा, डोटी, बझाङ र अछामको भूमि समेटेर २०४३ असार ९ गते निकुञ्ज घोषणा गरिएको थियो । खप्तडको उचाइ १,२६२ देखि ३,२७६ मिटरसम्म छ । त्यहाँ लेकमा २२ वटा पाटन (चौर) छन् । सयौं थरी वनस्पति, जडीबुटी र चरा पाइन्छन् खप्तडमा ।

निकुञ्ज मुख्यालयलाई केन्द्र मानेर त्रिवेणीधाम, खप्तड बाबा आश्रम, खापर दह, सहस्त्र लिंग र घोडा दाउने घुम्न सकिन्छ । खप्तड हुँदै रारा ताल पुग्न १२ दिन लाग्छ । पर्यटन विकास समाज (टिडिएस) ले खप्तड, बडिमालिका हुँदै रामारोशन जोड्ने फार वेस्ट हेरिटेज ट्रेलएक्सप्लोर गरेको छ ।

खप्तडको त्रिवेणीधाममा गंगा दसहरामा मेला लाग्छ । त्रिवेणी गंगा र जमुना र सरस्वतीको संगम । त्यहाँ नुहाए पाप पखालिने विश्वास छ । मेला भर्नेहरू रातभर जागा बस्छन् । डेउडा गाउँछन् । बिहान नुहाउँछन् ।

खप्तड घोप्टिएको कचौरा जस्तो छ । त्यहाँ डोटीको झिग्राना, बझाङको छान्ना, बाजुराको कोल्टी, अछामको साँफेबगर र डोटी सीमा चौखुट्टेबाट जान सकिन्छ ।

आध्यात्मिक चिन्तक खप्तडबाबाले त्यहाँ ५० वर्ष बिताएका थिए । खप्तड वर्षैभरि घुम्न सकिन्छ । जेठअसारमा जंगली फूल, असोजकात्तिकमा हिमाल (अपिसैपाल), पुसमाघमा हिउँ र चैतवैशाखमा गुराँसको सौन्दर्य हुन्छ ।

कसरी पुग्नेः

काठमाडौंधनगढी ६८० कि.मि. को बाटो बसमा १६ घण्टा लाग्छ । अथवा १ घण्टा १० मिनेट हवाई यात्रामा काठमाडौंबाट धनगढी पुगिन्छ । धनगढीसिलगढी २०० कि.मि. छ । बसमा आठ घण्टा लाग्छ । डोटी सदरमुकाम सिलगढीबाट झिग्रानासम्म १५ कि.मि. गाडीमा जानुपर्छ । झिग्रानाबाट हिंडेर पहिलो दिन बिचपानीमा, दोस्रो दिन खप्तडस्थित निकुञ्जको मुख्यालय क्षेत्रमा बास बस्नुपर्छ । अथवा धनगढीखोड्पेतमैल २४९ कि.मि. छ । तमैललोखडा १२ कि.मि. जीपमा । लोखडाबाट चार घण्टा उकालो चढेपछि खप्तड पुगिन्छ ।
