The day Nepalis were allowed to buy licensed radios. Two months after Padma Shumsher became Prime Minister, a notice by Chandra Batti Prakash Bijuli Adda says, "the gentlemen who have already acquired a license to play a radio, please have it registered at the same time, including information about the radio maker, model number, and number of valves. Please let this office know before you sell your radio." Beginning from 11 Magh of this year, Padma Shumsher had arranged for regular radio broadcasting from a 25 kilowatt transmitter. The radio later known as Radio Nepal began broadcasting on 13 Mangshir, 2007 BS. On 20 Chait 20 2007 BS, it began broadcasting from Kathmandu as Prajatantra Radio. Tarini Prasad Koirala and Phanishwar Nath Renu were its first two newsreaders. Tarini read the news in Nepali and Phanishwar in Hindi.